My Projects

My projects are carried out in the context of my academic studies, and also during my internships at companies. A variety of tools, technologies, and methodologies have been used, but they mainly include machine learning workflows from business understanding to deploying models, and software development with more focus on web-based & mobile applications and systems.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Hereโ€™s a list of my projects below, but if you want to get more information about a specific project, you can always visit the blog post related to it where itโ€™s more detailed.

Automated Extraction of Insights from Educational Videos

Automated Extraction of Insights from Educational Videos

An application that extracts insights from recorded lectures or videos using natural language processing.

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Tunisian Sign Language Transcription

Tunisian Sign Language Transcription

An app that transcribes in real-time the Tunisian Sign Language in the field of healthcare.

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Emotionly App


A mobile app that recognizes human emotions from facial expressions and speech.

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A web application that provides access to patientsโ€™ records at one place, and allows healthcare professionals to detect lung diseases from Chest X-Ray images.

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A web application that offers data visualization and applies ML algorithms to identify patterns in data and make predictions and forecasting to answer pharmacy-related business questions.

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Supplier Relationship Management

Supplier Relationship Management

A web application that provides an online platform for collaboration between a company and its suppliers in different business processes, such as the management of quality incidents, complaint reports, suppliers database, and declarations of costs.

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